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790 E Saint Andrews Drive
Shelton, WA, 98584

Home » Association » Updated 11/5/2019 @ 12:45pm – Water System Disinfection Notice – Beginning Nov. 1, 2019 @ 9:00am

Updated 11/5/2019 @ 12:45pm – Water System Disinfection Notice – Beginning Nov. 1, 2019 @ 9:00am

Update 11/05/2019 – Water System Disinfection

Brian Smith, President, Lake Limerick Country Club Homeowners Association

Lake Limerick’s water continues to be safe for use.  We adhere and follow WA State Department of Health requirements as required by State law.  As announced on Friday November 1 due to the detection of coliform bacteria (NO E. coli OR fecal coliform were detected), we treated our water system with chlorine.

On November 1 under the direction of Lake Limerick’s licensed water quality contractor Northwest Water Systems (NWS), chlorine was added to 4 well sites at measured levels of 1.14 to 1.48 parts per million (ppm) to disinfect detected coliform bacteria.   The treatment was allowed to circulate through our distribution pipe network over the weekend.

On Monday November 4 NWS verified with measurements at 6 locations that the chlorine levels in the distribution network are from 0.07 to 0.52 ppm.  Chlorine measurements will continue this week and when measured at a level of 0.02 ppm or less, water samples will be taken again for coliform laboratory testing.  We anticipate the network to achieve 0.02 ppm or less by early next week.

We will update the Lake Limerick community when lab results are available and tell you what our next actions will be.

Brian Smith


UPDATE:  October 31, 2019 @ 1:45pm – Brian Smith, President, Lake Limerick Home Owners Association

Lake Limerick’s water is safe to use, and to make sure it stays that way, we are treating the distribution pipe system with chlorine starting November 1.  We are doing this because a routine test of the water in mid-October detected a higher than normal level of total coliform bacteria which required we take certain safety measures.  No E. coli or fecal coliform bacteria were detected, which is good news.

Lake Limerick and its contractor Northwest Water Systems (NWS) test our drinking water monthly.  In mid-October one sample in one part of our community contained a higher level of total coliform bacteria, but not E. coli or fecal coliforms.  This was confirmed with a retest, triggering a response per state guidelines.  NWS notified the state health department.

We tested our wells and they passed.  Therefore, the problem is likely in the distribution system.  Out of an abundance of caution and in compliance with state requirements, we plan to shock treat our storage tanks and entire distribution pipe system with a disinfectant, chlorine (as used in swimming pools). Many community water systems are treated daily with chlorine.

Lake Limerick will start putting liquid chlorine in the system November 1.  An additional treatment may be scheduled on November 4 if necessary.  We plan to bring chlorine levels up to between 1 and 2 parts per million (ppm).  This is just above the peak level that Seattle’s drinking water sometimes experiences, and it is below the Environmental Protection Agency drinking water standard (not to exceed 4 ppm).  The chlorine may be detectable by odor or taste. The chlorine should dissipate in several days.

We will continue to search for the sources of the minor contamination.  In the meantime, although the water is safe for most people, those with severely compromised immune systems, parents with infants and the elderly may want to consult with their physicians about any needed precautions until the system has been shocked.  In addition, while the chlorine is in the system, owners of pets (fish, birds and the furry four-footed kind) should consider using bottled or boiled water to avoid any minor reactions to the chlorine.

This is something that happens with water systems.  It is not considered a serious public health threat.  If it was, we would have taken extra measures to alert all of our residents immediately.  Our Water Department detected a problem and they are taking the necessary steps required by applicable regulations to resolve it.

We regret any undue concern this has caused in our community.  Questions should be directed to the Lake Limerick HOA office at 360-426-3581 for answers or referral to Joe Castelluccio, Water Manager.  Additional information will be posted on the Lake Limerick Country Club website.

Brian Smith, President, Lake Limerick Country Club Homeowners Association


October 30, 2019



 TRIGGER NOTIFICATION                     

Compliance water samples have been taken from your water system and have revealed a confirmed presence of total coliform bacteria in the water. The following steps will be taken:

Your water system will be disinfected November 1st, 2019 starting at 9:00 AM with a low level of chlorine. The dosage is expected to be between 1.00 and 2.00 Parts Per Million, which is under the 4.00 ppm limit the EPA identifies as safe to drink. This chlorine will remain in the system through natural use until exhausted. Chlorine levels will be monitored, and additional chlorine may be added on November 4th with the same target of between 1.00 and 2.00 ppm.

If you have aquariums, birds and/or pets, do not let them come into contact with the chlorinated water during this time. 

If you have any questions, please call our office as we are happy to answer any questions you may have.  We expect that this treatment will resolve the problem.

Thank you,

Joseph Castelluccio Jr. WDMII, CCS           OR                Northwest Water System

Lake Limerick Water System                                                360-876-0958

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