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Home » Association » Lake Limerick Health & Safety Measures – Updated 3/16/2020 @ 5:00pm

Lake Limerick Health & Safety Measures – Updated 3/16/2020 @ 5:00pm

March 16, 2020

To keep our Members and Employees as safe as possible, Lake Limerick Country Club is reviewing its operations daily to meet the changing CDC and WA State COVID-19 public safety requirements.

  1. To stay informed with the latest Lake Limerick information, check the website www.lakelimerick.com daily. If you haven’t signed up for our email distribution list, please do so to get email blasts sent to you directly. Please inform your neighbors.  Notices will be posted at the Inn and Café entrances.
  2. The Lake Limerick Office is planning to remain OPEN for CALLS ONLY with NO WALK INS strongly recommended. Until further notice the Office WILL NOT ACCEPT CASH payments for Dues and Water. For CHECK ONLY PAYMENTS including your invoice statements, use an envelope and drop the payment in the BIG BLUE PAYMENT BOX in the outside parking lot at the Great Hall.  OR if necessary, call in your payments using a credit card.  We encourage Members to sign up for AUTO PAYMENT at www.lakelimerick.com and click on https://lakelimerick.com/paybills/
  3. The Restaurant and Lounge are closed for dining per the Governor’s Proclamation . We are continuing to provide great takeout meals for curbside pickup.  We will have our popular sandwiches, salads, baskets, burgers and for now our full menu is available.  Inn menu – https://lakelimerick.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/RestaurantMenu2019.pdf and Cafe menu – https://www.lakelimerickgolf.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/7030/2019/10/CafeMenu09302019-1.pdf   We will take orders ONLY over-the-phone for a 30 minute turn around. For TO-GO Food Orders from the Restaurant call 360.426.3581 on Thursday, Friday & Saturday 5pm-7:30pm and for the Café call 360.426.6290 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday 7:30am-2:30pm

Members in good standing will call in their orders paying with Credit Card ONLY and all transactions, including sales tax and gratuity, will be handled over the phone.  Cash will not be accepted.  You will be required to sign your credit card receipt when you pick up meal.

  1. The Board of Directors meeting scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 9am is CANCELLED. An Electronic meeting agenda will be posted before Friday for decisions requiring Board action, and the results of any votes will be posted as minutes the following week.
  2. Meet the Candidates scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 3pm is CANCELLED. The election will proceed and all ballots will be due by 1PM Saturday, April 18, 2020. Ballots may be mailed or dropped in the BIG BLUE PAYMENT BOX in the parking lot.
  3. The Annual Meeting scheduled for April 18, 2020 is CANCELLED. The results of the Election for the Board of Directors and the Water Committee will be announced once the ballots are tallied by the Election Committee.
  4. The Fishing Derby scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 2020 is CANCELLED. An event may be rescheduled at a later date. We still plan to stock fish in Lakes Leprechaun and Limerick for anglers to enjoy during the summer.

Brian Smith,  Board President                                     Roger Milliman, Community Association Manager