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Home » Inn Restaurant & Lounge » Welcome Back!! Restaurant & Café Indoor and Patio Service – Posted 6.4.2020 @ 11:45am

Welcome Back!! Restaurant & Café Indoor and Patio Service – Posted 6.4.2020 @ 11:45am

Welcome back for Restaurant and Café indoor and patio service.

The Inn Restaurant is reopening Thursday, June 4 for dining room and patio service.  We will be open Thursday, Friday, and Saturday with seating by reservation only (5:00, 6:15 & 7:30 seatings) as we ease back into operations in compliance with COVID-19 Phase 2 health requirements. 

Make your Restaurant reservations by emailing  FOH@lakelimerick.com                       

The Café is reopening Friday June 5 for indoor and patio service 3 days per week Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 7:30am – 3pm.  No reservations required.

To-Go service will continue to be offered at both locations.

Please continue being patient with our service staff for all that they do.

At both the Inn Restaurant and Café, seating capacity is reduced to provide adequate social distancing.  We also ask that members wear face coverings when standing in line to enter and when ordering.  We will also be checking temperatures of entering guests and requesting contact information for parties seated in both the Restaurant and Cafe.  Guidance will be posted at both the Inn Restaurant and Café.

The attached Guidelines have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.  Our paramount concern is the safety of our members and our staff.  We hope that all our members share our desire for a safe reopening of our facilities.  However, if necessary, we will close down if operating guidelines are being violated, and any members not following guidelines may lose food and beverage privileges.

Phase 2 Restaurant Rules 6.4.2020

Phase 2 Cafe Rules 6.04.2020