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Home » Association » Healthy WA Roadmap to Recovery – Posted 1/11/2021

Healthy WA Roadmap to Recovery – Posted 1/11/2021

Governor Inslee announced effective today January 11 the entire state is now in a revised new Phase 1.

Mason county is grouped in the 4 county Northwest Region with Kitsap, Jefferson, and Clallam counties.  All Regions start in Phase 1.

Once a region meets all four required health metrics for three of the four past weeks, the WA Department of Health will permit by Region to move from Phase 1 to Phase 2.


Decreasing trend with a two-week rate by more than 10% of COVID-19 cases per 100K population

Decreasing trend with a two-week rate by more than 10% of new COVID-19 hospital admission rates per 100K population

ICU occupancy (total — COVID-19 and non-COVID-19) of less than 90%

COVID-19 test positivity rate of less than 10%

The metrics for each Region will be updated on the Risk Assessment Dashboard every Friday. Dependent on a region’s metrics, DOH will move to a new phase — forward or backward — the following Monday.

To remain in Phase 2, a Region must meet at least 3 metrics.

Regions that fail to meet two or more of the above metrics will be moved back to Phase 1.

For LLCC Phase 1 allows continued golf operations and food & beverage services for Take Out orders only.  Indoor dining is not allowed until Phase 2 allowing 25% of seating capacity.  We will update the Community when Phase 2 is announced.

The Inn Restaurant & Lounge staff have been busy the last two weeks deep cleaning. Inn Restaurant, Lounge & Café open this Thursday, January 14th for Take-Out only.