Board Meeting - Saturday, March 15thClick Here for Agenda & Board Pack

Office: (360) 426-3581
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Shelton, WA, 98584

Home » Association » LLCC Board of Directors Vaccine Rescission Statement – Sept. 23, 2021 @ 3:30pm

LLCC Board of Directors Vaccine Rescission Statement – Sept. 23, 2021 @ 3:30pm

LLCC Membership:

The Board of Directors has and continues to diligently work with members and employees on efforts to keep the COVID pandemic out of LLCC operations.  The health and safety of members, employees and the public are required to keep the doors open.

The Lake Limerick Board of Directors met Wednesday September 22, 2021 to continue reviewing not only our processes, but also, the decision for proof of COVID vaccination for entering Lake Limerick buildings.

At this time the Board has decided based on ongoing conversations with our legal team to rescind our September 18, 2021 decision to require proof of COVID vaccination from our employees or from anyone entering LLCC facilities.  Lake Limerick will continue to follow federal, state, and local mandates currently requiring wearing a mask indoors.

We ask that everyone be respectful of all members and employees with collaboration to strive for everyone’s health and safety.  We encourage members and their guests to come enjoy LLCC’s services at the Inn and including the public at the Pro Shop & Café.

LLCC Board of Directors