Office: (360) 426-3581
Pro-Shop: (360) 426-6290
Water Department: (360) 426-4563
790 E Saint Andrews Drive
Shelton, WA, 98584

Home » Association » Water Conservation

Water Conservation


Over the next three days there is a national heat advisory for our area.  Temperatures are expected to be upper 80’s and 90’s.  It is important for everyone to stay cool by staying hydrated and minimizing activities.  In addition, some of you may have already experienced low water pressure as a result of the water levels in the wells being lower due to usage.  We need your help over the weekend to minimize impacts to the community.  Here are some ways you can help: 


  1. Minimize watering of your lawn.  If you must water, we ask that you follow the watering days assigned to the community.  Even number homes water on even dates and odd number homes water of odd dates.
  2. Limit showering times. 
  3. Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth.
  4. If you must do laundry, make sure to do a full load.
  5. Use dishwasher on Eco cycle.


Your support and conservation efforts are much appreciated!


Shannon Ramos, CPM ®

General Manager

(360) 426-3581