As mentioned, the Association does a good job of managing reference information, including providing minutes from the various meetings. Accessing the Master Minutes Page is often the first stop in understanding Association organizational activities.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors provides overall governance to the business affairs of the Lake Limerick Country Club, Inc. The Board administers its duties as defined in the various governing documents of the Association.
Meeting: Normally the 3rd Saturday of the month at 9:00 am
The Board and Administrative staff maintain various financial and project reference sources. Please see the Financial and Projects page for information on dues, financial reports and project information.
Standing Committees
Member engagement has been a hallmark of the Lake Limerick community. Various standing committees have been chartered by the Association to facilitate activities and provide an avenue for vetting member and staff ideas and the making proposals to the Board of Directors for the maintenance and improvement of the Association’s operations, social activities and facilities. Ad-hoc committees are formed as needed.
The Committee Guidelines Document provides general direction for the operation of the Association committees. In addition, a specific Resolution exists that outlines the Charter for each committee.
The standing committees are:
- Architecture Committee
Purpose: The Architectural Committee helps Lake Limerick members comply with the Declarations of Restrictions and other related Association Rules which are intended to maintain a decent quality of life in the community. The Committee makes information available to members concerning building permit requirements; what constitutes improper maintenance of property and other nuisance conditions; and rules governing pets. This committee reviews permit applications for new construction, and handles complaints about violations of LLCC’s Declarations of Restrictions and other rules adopted over the years to maintain the quality of our neighborhoods. When necessary the Committee makes recommendations to the Board concerning remedial actions necessary to ensure member compliance with community standards.
Resolution: Architecture Committee Resolution
Meeting: Second Friday of every month, 3:30 PM at the Inn.
- Executive Committee
Purpose: The Executive Committee is made up of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary of the Board of Directors and the Water Committee Chairman (ex officio). They meet to oversee the operations, and to prioritize the Board’s policy and meeting agendas.
Resolution: Executive Committee Resolution
Meeting: First Saturday of each month, 8:00 AM (if scheduled) at the Association office
- Greens Committee
Purpose: The Greens Committee works with the Golf Pro and Golf Course Superintendent on scheduled promotions and tournaments and standards of maintenance for the golf course; discusses improvements to enhance playability and any course safety issues that may arise; reviews and sends to the Board of Directors (BOD) for approval suggested greens and other member and public fees; and identifies circumstances for which rules should be adopted including such issues as member and public player conduct and dress on the golf course.
Resolution: Greens Committee Resolution
Meeting: First Tuesday of each month at 1:30 PM in the If Ida Room at the Pro Shop.
- Inn Committee
Purpose: The Inn Committee promotes the use of the Inn facilities; monitors the appearance and condition of the facilities; works with restaurant and lounge staff to maintain customer satisfaction concerning food and drink selection, quality and service; plans social activities at the Inn; and makes recommendations to the Board concerning physical improvements to Inn facilities and operations.
Resolution: Inn Committee Resolution
Meeting: Second Saturday of each month at 9:30 AM at the Inn.
- Lake Dam Committee
Purpose: The Lake Dam Committee plans and advises the Board on issues concerning the use, operation and maintenance of the Association’s Lakes and Parks including lake ecosystem and water quality management; rules for boating and fishing and other member activities on the lakes and in the parks; rules concerning dock construction and maintenance by members, including approval of dock plans referred by the Architectural Committee; promotion of activities such as fishing derbies and boating competitions; monitoring member compliance with boating registration and other use rules; and improvements needed to enhance member use and enjoyment of Lake Limerick’s recreational facilities.
Resolution: Lake Dam Committee Resolution
Meeting: First Saturday of each month, 9:30 AM at the Inn.
- Water Committee
Purpose: The Water Committee oversees the operation and maintenance of Lake Limerick’s water system for the benefit of the membership by working with the Association’s professional staff and consultants to monitor system operations and compliance with requirements of the Washington State Department of Health and other regulatory agencies; performing needed studies and recommending to the Board a rate structure that is adequate, equitable and provides for contingencies; recommending necessary repairs and system upgrades; and planning for longer-term major system component replacement needs.
Resolution: Water Committee Resolution
Meeting: Second Saturday of each month, 9:00 AM at the Association office.
- Youth Committee
Purpose: The Youth Committee plans, promotes and undertakes activities and special events for the young members of the Lake Limerick Community.
Resolution: Youth Committee Resolution
Meeting: No regularly scheduled meetings.
Association Documents
The Association operates under various established guidelines and rules. Everything from the Articles of Incorporation to the Bylaws, Covenants, Various Resolutions, Golf Policies, Lake Usage Rules and Animal Control, etc. can be found under the Association Documents page.