Valentine's Dinner @ The Inn Live Music by Oma Wilcox Saturday, February 12th Lounge Opens @ 4pm - Dinner from 5pm to 8pm Reservations Required Email
LLCC Great Hall
790 E. St. Andrews Dr, Shelton, WA, United States
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda 3rd Saturday of each month @ 9:00am via ZOOM The February 19th Board of Directors Meeting will be held via ZOOM. Meeting ID: 824 9213 9870 Passcode: 794390 LLCC HOA Members that do not have access to ZOOM may participate from the Great Hall via laptop projection. John Ingemi, […]
LLCC Great Hall
790 E. St. Andrews Dr, Shelton, WA, United States
Lake Limerick Town Hall How Are We Governed? Wednesday, February 23rd, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Please join us in The Great Hall (masks required), Wednesday, February 23rd at 7:00 p.m. for our next Lake Limerick Town Hall. We’ll explain how governance works with an HOA, including how Lake Limerick is organized, budgets are done […]
The Inn Great Hall has been approved for painting and new flooring. Painting will start on Tuesday March 8th with work planned for one week. Based on product delivery, flooring will be scheduled. During the work projects, signs will be posted limiting Inn access to the lower entrance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may […]