The Crow's Nest will be closed Tuesday thru Thursday as we clean up the storage rooms. The library will also be closed during this time. Thank you.
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 838 4345 1516 Passcode: 011276
Meets 1st Thursday of each month at 6:00pm in the Crow's Nest (Inn Upstairs) Our focus is to work on being more intentional with the appearance, use, & upkeep of our greenbelt areas and entranceways. Work to mitigate safety concerns. Provide opportunities to volunteer on the committee, and or, in helping adopt various areas for […]
February 14th Friday-9 Hole Valentine’s Tourney Four person teams 11am shotgun $15 entry fee We draw for teams Includes: ½ sandwich and cup of soup and prize money.
Blarney Room at the Inn or ZOOM Meeting I.D.: 670 720 8524 Passcode: 2627
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